Crew Valerie Berwanger

Valerie Berwanger is an accomplished writer/producer and has been creating Network Television Marketing campaigns, launching cable channels and working in local television for 20 years.

Some of her favorites include NBC's "Must See TV" line-up, "The Polar Express","Gilmore Girls","Dancing with the Stars", and the now 'infamous' "Jon & Kate Plus 8". She spent her Junior of College in England the University of London. Graduating with a degree in Theatre from Davidson College in Charlotte, NC, she acted and sang in numeous productions. After college she pursued a career in 'front of the camera' acting in several regional commercials and shows. This is when she realized she liked being 'behind the camera' just as much and having the power to call the shots."

Utilizing both her marketing background as well as her theatrical experience, Valerie is excited to enter the world of movie making. From casting to locations to marketing, helping to create the exotic thriller world of "Deadbeat" has been an incredible experience. Valerie looks forward to sharing this project with movie lovers everywhere.
